Department Goals:
The Patapsco science department works hard to provide student centered lessons that are engaging and relevant to real world scenarios. Our focus is to prepare students with the coursework needed to create a strong background in science and enabling them to be successful in college. Our department takes a pro-active approach, identifying struggling students and offering help in the form of HSA test remediation and peer tutoring. We also focus on engaging students in academic clubs such as Science club, Chemathon club, and Envirathon club.
Ms. Christy Clark
GT Chem, IPC, Honors IPC
Mr. Noah Baumann
Living Systems, Anatomy and Physiology
Mr. Richard Foot
Earth Systems, Honors Earth Systems
Mr. Ben Lockwood
IPC, GT Chemistry
Ms. Michelle Lynn
Ms. Amanda Mills
Living Systems, Honors Living System
Ms. Gina Muir
Biology, Earth Systems
Mr. Paul Tomasevich--Chair