Visual Arts

About Patapsco's Art Magnet

Students who are interested in visual art may choose to follow a variety of categories depending on their interests. All students begin with either Fundamentals of Art (comprehensive) or Foundations of Art (magnet), then select the courses that they wish to pursue.

Fine Arts

Students following the fine arts category will engage in a traditional study of art. They will study drawing, painting, and sculpture using a variety of media and subject matter. As their skills develop, they will work independently on art works of their own design. They will develop a portfolio for college admission and have the opportunity to gain advanced placement credit toward college.


Students interested in focusing on photography have the opportunity to explore the technical and creative aspects of the media in a fully equipped darkroom facility. All aspects of black and white and digital photography are taught. The opportunity to explore the relationship between photography and computers is available as well.

Digital Fine Arts

A state of the art graphic computer and video lab is available to students who wish to focus on technology. Computer art, digital imaging, 3-D animation, video editing and production, graphic design and desktop publishing are covered in this track. Students have access to professional quality software and hardware, preparing them for the workplace or continuing education.