
We welcome both new and returning families to Patapsco High School & Center for the Arts, here are several important resources to help parents and families navigate through the school year.

Parents/Guardians now have access to FOCUS to view their student's grades, attendance, and other student information. Please use the resources below to access and navigate the Parent/Guardian portal in FOCUS.

Directions to Create a Parent/Guardian FOCUS Account:
Please use these directions and video to create a parent/guardian FOCUS account. If you have any issues creating a parent/guardian account, please contact the Main Office - 443-809-7060.

Directions to View Student Attendance & Grades:
Please use these Parent Portal Directions to review your student's attendance (overall and period-by-period) and your student's grades (Report Card grades and current grades).*Note: When you login to FOCUS for the first time you will need to update the "Secondary Annual Student Information Review Form."

Directions to View Student Transportation Assignments:
Please use these directions to view your student's transportation assignment. 

Link to FOCUS